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Affichage de 128 résultats

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Toronto (Ont.)
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This U-matic tape contains two episodes of the Coming Out! cable access tv program produced by the Winnipeg Gay Media Collective:

Cut 1: "Lots of Queer Quakers" performance/reading, Part 3. 1987, 28:20 minutes.
Cut 2: "Jim Ernie," Canadian film by Craig Philp, Toronto. 1986, 28:00 minutes.

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This U-matic tape contains two episodes of the Coming Out! cable access tv program produced by the Winnipeg Gay Media Collective:

Cut 1: Interview with Prof./Rev. John Badertscher, University of Winnipeg/United Church of Canada, on conflict in the Church on issues of homosexuality. Taped November 3, 1988. 28:00 minutes.
Cut 2: "My Family, Myself", a program about gay teenagers and their parents, produced by Central Toronto Youth Services. Taped November 6, 1988. 26:45 minutes.

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This U-matic tape contains two episodes of the Coming Out! cable access tv program produced by the Winnipeg Gay Media Collective:

Cut 1: Interview with Prof. Carl Ridd ordination of gays and lesbians in the United Church of Canada. 1988, 28:00 minutes.
Cut 2: "Impasse", a drama about the lives of gay and lesbian teenagers, produced/directed by the Gay and Lesbian Youth Group of Toronto. 1987, 28:15 minutes.

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Unlabeled 02

OUTCOME Series: “My Family/Myself.” Property of Central Toronto Youth Services.

Unlabeled 03

OUTCOME Series: “Impasse.” Property of Central Toronto Youth Services.

Unlabeled 04

OUTCOME Series: “Streetscape.” Property of Central Toronto Youth Services. Tape used in Coming Out! Program Series, item # WGMC 11.

Unlabeled 06

OUTCOME Series: “Gay and With God.” Property of Central Toronto Youth Services. Tape used in Coming Out! Program Series, item # WGMC 11.


This U-matic tape contains two episodes of the Coming Out! cable access tv program produced by the Winnipeg Gay Media Collective:

Cut 1: “Streetscape” about gay and lesbian youth in Toronto. Part 1. Produced by Central Toronto Youth Services.
Cut 2: “Streetscape,” Part 2. “Gay and with God.” Produced by Central Toronto Youth Services.

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Saul L. Cohen fonds

  • CA MCK 34-1999
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1995

This fonds consists entirely of the autobiography of Saul Cohen, entitled "Being a Scientist Can Be Fun: The Memoirs of Saul L. Cohen" (1995). In his autobiography, Cohen discusses his life as a scientist, and the many people he met and worked with throughout his career. Cohen also discusses his experiences growing up in a Jewish family in Western Canada, and his experiences with Wilson's disease.

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Banquet at the King Edward Hotel

Clergy, including Reverend Maxim Hermaniuk and Bishop Isidore Borecki (Borecky), are gathered at the head table, with laity standing near, for a banquet, King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, March 20, 1950.

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